Ellsworth Violates Arizona Campaign Laws

PAYSON, Ariz. - Arizonar -- Pine, AZ — Cory Ellsworth, Chairperson of the Pine Strawberry Water Improvement District (PSWID), violated Arizona campaign laws when he used government resources to campaign in favor of PSWID Treasurer Sharon Hillman amid an ongoing recall effort initiated by concerned citizens.

Ellsworth and his board utilized the district's email platform and website to discourage customers from supporting the recall of Treasurer Hillman. In his message, Ellsworth urged residents that they "should not be actively trying to remove her [Hillman] from the board" and instead should be "appreciative" of her contributions.

The seven total PSWID Board of Directors—including Roger Childers, Brent Pruett, Larry Bagshaw, George Gorkowski, and Victor Tayao—operate without oversight from Gila County, according to County Supervisor Steve Christensen. Despite citizen complaints filed with the Arizona State Attorney General, Secretary of State, Gila County Recorder's Office, and state lawmakers, the campaign-related letter remained public on the PSWID website from around July 2024 until its removal after the November 2024 election, and reportedly after intervention by the Attorney General's office in direct discussions with Ellsworth.

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Arizona statute A.R.S. § 16-192 explicitly prohibits the use of public resources—including financial assets, facilities, equipment, and personnel—for influencing election outcomes. Despite these regulations, PSWID collectively ignored the law. Citizens speculate their actions are influenced by an ongoing eminent domain case against the Strawberry View neighborhood. Violations of this statute are typically investigated and enforced by the Arizona State Attorney General or county attorneys, and citizens also have the right to file complaints in Superior Court. However, pursuing such complaints often requires significant financial resources. Additionally, Gila County's attorney has told citizens that Gila County cannot get involved with PSWID matters.

Adding to public concerns, the district's newly hired Operations Manager, Steve Bowen, and Office Manager, Kristie Allen, appear to lack meaningful authority. In a text message to a resident, Bowen stated, "…let me let you in on a little secret, I am governed by the board, not the other way around. Once you presented to the board I have no say in this matter."

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Despite legal advice from PSWID counsel Steve Wene of Moyers, Sellers & Hendricks in April 2023, which recommended the district hire empowered management personnel to comply with A.R.S. § 48-901, the PSWID Board improperly continues to act as the district's primary decision-makers, sidelining its managerial staff.

Furthermore, it has been reported that Treasurer Sharon Hillman spends 20-40 hours per week working in the PSWID office, maintaining separate records and operating on her own computer, unlinked from the district's main server. Hillman is also believed to be the only individual authorized to work remotely, raising additional concerns about transparency and proper oversight within the district.

Citizens of Strawberry and Pine request the state to fully investigate these reported violations and for increased transparency, oversight, and accountability within PSWID.

Source: UCD Project
Filed Under: Government

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