Mesa City Council Votes to Put General Plan on the November 2024 Ballot

~ Mesa City Council Approves 2050 General Plan for Upcoming Election

In a unanimous decision, the Mesa City Council has approved the 2050 General Plan, paving the way for residents to vote on it during the November 2024 General Election. This comes after a series of public meetings held earlier this year in each City Council District, where residents were able to review and provide input on the long-term growth, prosperity, and well-being of Mesa.

The process began in late 2022 and included four surveys and approximately 100 public events and presentations. A citizen advisory committee was also involved in guiding the public outreach process, analyzing community input, and making recommendations to City staff.

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The 2050 General Plan was created using a combination of public input, recommendations from the Citizen Advisory Committee, information from existing plans, and strategic initiatives from the Mesa City Council. It includes a vision statement, core values, guiding principles, and strategies that will guide decision-making for the next decade. Importantly, the plan does not raise taxes or change existing zoning laws.

As mandated by the State of Arizona, Mesa's General Plan is updated every ten years. The plan can be viewed at With this approval from the City Council, Mesa residents will have the opportunity to vote on this important roadmap for their city's future during the upcoming election in November 2024.

Filed Under: Government, City

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