Mesa Hydration Donation Campaign Helping People in Need During Summer Heat

~ As the summer heat continues to scorch Mesa, the demand for bottles of water at the city's respite and cooling centers is at an all-time high. In response, organizations are calling on the public to donate to the City's Hydration donation campaign, which aims to provide relief to those in need.

One of the drop-off locations for water donations is Resurrection Street Ministry (RSM), located at 1135 E. Main St. The ministry operates a Day Respite Center six days a week and sees up to 140 people a day. According to Bill Berry, RSM's Volunteer Executive Director, they have been handing out 500 bottles of water daily thanks to generous donations from individuals and supermarkets like Costco and United Food Bank.

Paz de Cristo, located at 424 W. Broadway Road, is another organization that has seen an increase in their distribution of water this summer. The organization provides daily meals and other services for people experiencing homelessness and has been offering ice-cold water bottles to passersby on their campus before opening for the day. John Farley, Paz de Cristo's Director of Food Services, expressed gratitude towards the community and United Food Bank for their support in keeping their supply of water well-stocked.

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The Salvation Army Mesa Citadel Corps, located at 241 E. 6th St., serves as a cooling center for vulnerable residents by providing access to air conditioning and water. Major Michael Lutcher shared that they have already given out over 3,500 bottles of water since May 1st and are thankful for the community's support during this time.

Recognizing the severity of extreme heat in Arizona, The Salvation Army considers it a natural disaster and has deemed it an emergency disaster response. This sentiment is echoed by the City of Mesa, United Food Bank, and Mesa Chamber of Commerce who lead the annual Mesa Hydration Donation Campaign. Together with partnering agencies, they are urging the public to help collect 700,000 bottles of water by September 27th. Residents can donate water at over 20 locations throughout the city, and a complete list can be found on the City of Mesa's website. Cash donations are also accepted by United Food Bank.

In conclusion, as the summer heat continues to take its toll on Mesa residents, organizations and the community are coming together to provide much-needed relief through donations of water. With the support of generous individuals and businesses, these organizations are able to make a positive difference in the lives of those in need during this extreme weather.

Filed Under: Government, City

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